cUrl error (*45): bind failed with errno 99: Cannot assign requested address
Is It Dangerous To Push Too Hard When Pooping During Pregnancy ▶2:32
Is It Dangerous To Push Too Hard When Pooping During Pregnancy ▶1:00
4 Things To Know About Pooping After Childbirth ▶2:13
Pooping After Childbirth: What You Need To Know ▶0:34
Pregnant woman unloads ▶0:45
Why am I pooping so much during early pregnancy? ▶0:43
Pooping during pregnancy! Completely normal and nothing to be ashmaed of. *pregnancy *pregnancyjourney *labour *givingbirth *midwife *obstetrician *pregnancyglam *viral *viraltiktok *poo ▶0:51
Pooping during pregnancy! Completely normal and nothing to be ashmaed of. *pregnancy *pregnancyjourney *labour *givingbirth *midwife *obstetrician *pregnancyglam *viral *viraltiktok *poo ▶0:54
Pooping during pregnancy - what you need to know ▶12:04
Tips For Pooping Postpartum *pregnancy *postpartum *pelvicfloor ▶0:20
Tips For Pooping Postpartum *pregnancy *postpartum *pelvicfloor ▶4:25
Tips for Managing Your First Postpartum Poop! 💩 ▶0:05
This is probably one of my favorite videos I’ve ever made 😂 yes pooping in childbirth is super normal, not a huge deal and actually it shows us that your baby is living down with your labor and that’s such a positive!! But so many laboring and pregnant individuals are embarrassed or so nervous for this to happen during birth! So no…I’m not shaming you in ANY way. I’m proud of you. But we can add a bit of humor to try normalize pooping during childbirth…right?? Original audio by @zozoroe on TT! ▶5:45
This is probably one of my favorite videos I’ve ever made 😂 yes pooping in childbirth is super normal, not a huge deal and actually it shows us that your baby is living down with your labor and that’s such a positive!! But so many laboring and pregnant individuals are embarrassed or so nervous for this to happen during birth! So no…I’m not shaming you in ANY way. I’m proud of you. But we can add a bit of humor to try normalize pooping during childbirth…right?? Original audio by @zozoroe on TT! ▶1:09
What's The Deal With Pooping During Childbirth? ▶0:47
girl has diarrhea in public toilet. ▶2:30
POOPING While Giving Birth ▶0:24
A visual guide to healthy poop ▶1:44
Practice this during pregnancy. Best time to practice is when you’re pooping 🤗. *NaturalBirth *unmedicatedbirth *unmedicatedlabor *unmedicatedchildbirth *birthtips *preparingforbirth *labor *laborprep *naturalbirthtips *preparingforlabor *laborpreparation *LaboringAtHome *unmedicatedbirthtips *pregnancyexercises *noepidural ▶8:38
Practice this during pregnancy. Best time to practice is when you’re pooping 🤗. *NaturalBirth *unmedicatedbirth *unmedicatedlabor *unmedicatedchildbirth *birthtips *preparingforbirth *labor *laborprep *naturalbirthtips *preparingforlabor *laborpreparation *LaboringAtHome *unmedicatedbirthtips *pregnancyexercises *noepidural ▶7:19
Postpartum: Your first poop after baby ▶2:07
Pregnant wife throwing up ▶5:56
Baby Mama (4/11) Movie CLIP - Baby-Proof Toilet (2008) HD ▶0:52
Labor and delivery part 2 "The push" ▶0:12
Pregnant Meme | MPGIS S2 | Episode 1 ▶5:59
Pooping During Labor? ▶1:21
Pooping During Labor/Birth (Surprising BENEFIT you need to know about!) ▶20:16
Pooping During Labor/Birth (Surprising BENEFIT you need to know about!) ▶9:37
This Viral TikTok Shows How Nurses Really Feel When You Poop During Labor ▶2:24
This Viral TikTok Shows How Nurses Really Feel When You Poop During Labor ▶21:38
Pooping during labor is SO common and absolutely nothing to be worried or ashamed about! It’s actually a good sign! It means your using the right muscles and pushing effectively to get that baby out. *obgyn *womenshealth *pregnant *pregnancy *birth *baby *laboranddelivery *labor *postpartum ▶2:51
Pooping during labor is SO common and absolutely nothing to be worried or ashamed about! It’s actually a good sign! It means your using the right muscles and pushing effectively to get that baby out. *obgyn *womenshealth *pregnant *pregnancy *birth *baby *laboranddelivery *labor *postpartum ▶0:12
Probably both?! Here's why it's NOT weird to poop during childbirth ▶0:18
Probably both?! Here's why it's NOT weird to poop during childbirth ▶3:14
5 Tips to Postpartum Pooping Success! Booya pooya 💩 **for informational purposes only** *postpartumtok *postpartumpoop *birthtok *pregnanttiktok *pregnancytips *postpartumrecovery ▶2:56
5 Tips to Postpartum Pooping Success! Booya pooya 💩 **for informational purposes only** *postpartumtok *postpartumpoop *birthtok *pregnanttiktok *pregnancytips *postpartumrecovery ▶0:06
Reacting to "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" (Woman Thought it was Bad POOP) | Just Sharon ▶0:17
Reacting to "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" (Woman Thought it was Bad POOP) | Just Sharon ▶3:37
Baby poops in Womb: Signs, Risks and how to prevent it - Meconium Aspiration Syndrome ▶5:12
Baby poops in Womb: Signs, Risks and how to prevent it - Meconium Aspiration Syndrome ▶2:14
9 Months Pregnant Saran Wrap Toilet Prank Gone Wrong ▶10:41
Pregnancy Sex, Pooping While Pushing, & More // Juicy Pregnancy Q&A ▶2:51
Pregnancy Sex, Pooping While Pushing, & More // Juicy Pregnancy Q&A ▶1:42
How often should my baby be pooping? ▶6:48
Poop at delivery? | The Pregnancy Nurse *shorts *pregnancy *laborandelivery *havingababy ▶1:07
Poop at delivery? | The Pregnancy Nurse *shorts *pregnancy *laborandelivery *havingababy ▶1:03
Replying to @Alex Smith I do this 3-5 min everyday even before my baby😉*pooping *peeing *intimacy *breathe *breathing *pregnant *fyp *postpartum *mom *leaking *lifehack ▶3:03
Replying to @Alex Smith I do this 3-5 min everyday even before my baby😉*pooping *peeing *intimacy *breathe *breathing *pregnant *fyp *postpartum *mom *leaking *lifehack ▶3:09
You Will Absolutely Poop When You Push | Week 40 of Pregnancy ▶9:00
You Will Absolutely Poop When You Push | Week 40 of Pregnancy ▶11:46
Woman gives birth alone in bathroom stall | Adegan melahirkan di kamar mandi ▶2:32
Woman gives birth alone in bathroom stall | Adegan melahirkan di kamar mandi ▶0:45
I know, it’s on every pregnant mama’s mind- pooping while in labor.It’s one of those things that we don’t talk about enough but definitely think about!I’m sure that while you’re learning about all the pain techniques, breathing techniques, and everything else that goes hand in hand with childbirth, you’re wondering- does pooping while in labor really happen?The answer is yes, it definitely can happen! And it’s not as gross or embarrassing as you might think. In fact, you not only won’t know that ▶0:20
I know, it’s on every pregnant mama’s mind- pooping while in labor.It’s one of those things that we don’t talk about enough but definitely think about!I’m sure that while you’re learning about all the pain techniques, breathing techniques, and everything else that goes hand in hand with childbirth, you’re wondering- does pooping while in labor really happen?The answer is yes, it definitely can happen! And it’s not as gross or embarrassing as you might think. In fact, you not only won’t know that ▶3:36
I have a confession to make….😩 Ya girl was TERRIFIED of pooping the bed during birth! 😂😭 But let me tell you, pooping during birth IS 👏🏽 SO 👏🏽COMMON! 👏🏽 I literally KEPT asking my OBGYN if I had pooped and at one point I’m pretty sure I actually did 😭💀 This is just a friendly reminder from your local Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist that if you are pregnant and scared to poop during delivery - rest assured - there are literally millions of women who have the same fear! But! The awesome ▶0:18
I have a confession to make….😩 Ya girl was TERRIFIED of pooping the bed during birth! 😂😭 But let me tell you, pooping during birth IS 👏🏽 SO 👏🏽COMMON! 👏🏽 I literally KEPT asking my OBGYN if I had pooped and at one point I’m pretty sure I actually did 😭💀 This is just a friendly reminder from your local Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist that if you are pregnant and scared to poop during delivery - rest assured - there are literally millions of women who have the same fear! But! The awesome ▶1:11
Sophie Goes Into Labor - Peep Show ▶15:07
Bursting - Short Comedy ▶5:53
Ep. 10 How to be Sexy While Pregnant: DELIVERY POOP ▶0:56
How to get pregnant? ▶3:45
Woman Vomits Her Own Feces? ▶2:39
Birth Rite toilet vore ??? ▶0:11
Top 10 Funniest Farts On Live TV History ▶0:19
WaterAid: Pooing in public 3: ▶0:12
Birth scene from ‘The Pig Child’ (Short Film) ▶2:08
Timeline: What If You Couldn't Stop Pooping? ▶0:54
The *NEW* Smosh TV Show ▶1:41
SML Movie: Jeffy Gets Potty Trained ▶1:45
Animated Atrocities 043 || "Fart Baby" [Sanjay and Craig] ▶3:36
Is It Dangerous To Push Too Hard When Pooping During Pregnancy? ▶0:56
Is It Dangerous To Push Too Hard When Pooping During Pregnancy? ▶2:33
Why is it hard to push poop out pregnant? ▶1:08
Pooping during labour. 💩 Most... - Tiny Hearts Education ▶32:07
POOPED MY PANTS PRANK! - Part 2 ▶17:17
I have a confession to make….😩 Ya girl was TERRIFIED of pooping the bed during birth! 😂😭 But let me tell you, pooping during birth IS 👏🏽 SO 👏🏽COMMON! 👏🏽 I literally KEPT asking my OBGYN if I had pooped and at one point I’m pretty sure I actually did 😭💀 This is just a friendly reminder from your local Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist that if you are pregnant and scared to poop during delivery - rest assured - there are literally millions of women who have the same fear! But! The awesome ▶1:42
I have a confession to make….😩 Ya girl was TERRIFIED of pooping the bed during birth! 😂😭 But let me tell you, pooping during birth IS 👏🏽 SO 👏🏽COMMON! 👏🏽 I literally KEPT asking my OBGYN if I had pooped and at one point I’m pretty sure I actually did 😭💀 This is just a friendly reminder from your local Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist that if you are pregnant and scared to poop during delivery - rest assured - there are literally millions of women who have the same fear! But! The awesome ▶2:37
Hall Pass (2/9) Best Movie Quote - Diarrhea Scene (2011) ▶4:39
Lady Thought She Was Doing A Poop And Had A Baby ▶17:20
When A Woman Unknowingly Gave Birth On Her Toilet, What Looked Like An Afterbirth Left Her In Pieces ▶5:25
When A Woman Unknowingly Gave Birth On Her Toilet, What Looked Like An Afterbirth Left Her In Pieces ▶0:40
I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant ▶6:25
Containment Failure - Belly Squishes ▶1:30
Babysitter Boss S2E6: When Things Go Wrong: The Vomiting Child ▶2:30
Babysitter Boss S2E6: When Things Go Wrong: The Vomiting Child ▶0:11
Live Diphyllobothrium Latum during Colonoscopy | NEJM ▶1:23
While babies most often hold out on pooping until they're born, they are certainly active urinators in the womb. In fact, your baby's pee activity goes into overdrive between 13 and 16 weeks' gestation, when their kidneys are fully formed. *pregnanttiktok *babydevelopment *firstbaby *kidneydevelopment *babyinmybelly *didyouknow *funfacts *omg *fyp *thenubtechs ▶4:25
While babies most often hold out on pooping until they're born, they are certainly active urinators in the womb. In fact, your baby's pee activity goes into overdrive between 13 and 16 weeks' gestation, when their kidneys are fully formed. *pregnanttiktok *babydevelopment *firstbaby *kidneydevelopment *babyinmybelly *didyouknow *funfacts *omg *fyp *thenubtechs ▶1:18
Replying to @KD Get off the toilet after 5 min and try this to poop!💩 *poop *fyp *pooping *constipation *constipated *ibs *mom *pregnant *postpartum *poophack *pooptok *health *doctor ▶2:39
Replying to @KD Get off the toilet after 5 min and try this to poop!💩 *poop *fyp *pooping *constipation *constipated *ibs *mom *pregnant *postpartum *poophack *pooptok *health *doctor ▶0:06
Baby pushing out a big poopie! ▶2:27
Terrified About Pooping During Birth?? 💩 ▶3:50
Girl Diarrhea Farts 💨 ▶2:08
white chicks bathroom ▶2:45
Alice Poos on Mommy ▶0:18
Bridesmaids - The girls start to realize they are getting sick ▶3:55
Watch Mom-To-Be Dance Up A Storm While in Labor in Hospital ▶0:32
Watch Mom-To-Be Dance Up A Storm While in Labor in Hospital ▶0:31
HOME BIRTH VLOG - 37 WEEKS // First Unmedicated Birth | Water Birth ▶4:27
HOME BIRTH VLOG - 37 WEEKS // First Unmedicated Birth | Water Birth ▶2:43
How To Solve Poop Problems Naturally Without Medication ▶5:45
Mom pooping pants embarrassing 😕😕😕😕😕 ▶1:08
Yoshi Drops ▶12:32
How to Have A Great Poop ▶0:27
38 Weeks Pregnant and Peeing My Pants In Public | EXTREME LAUGHING ATTACKS!!!! ▶10:16
38 Weeks Pregnant and Peeing My Pants In Public | EXTREME LAUGHING ATTACKS!!!! ▶
Man having diarrhea for five days at his girlfriend's house ▶
Inhaling poop during birth! ▶
Is That Normal?! The Weird World of Baby Poop ▶
How to Hold It In When There's No Bathroom ▶
This Woman Can't Stop Farting | Crack Addicts | TLC ▶
Maken ki! toilet scene ▶
Girls Pooping HARD - TikTok 2020 ▶
☆gassy sleepover..☆ ▶
Constipation | When to Worry | Parents ▶
My stomach gurgling during diarrhea ▶
Reply to @bmcguff My belly buddies know it works!💩 *pooping *constipation *pregnant *postpartum *bloated *doctor *fyp *TurboTaxAndRelax ▶
Reply to @bmcguff My belly buddies know it works!💩 *pooping *constipation *pregnant *postpartum *bloated *doctor *fyp *TurboTaxAndRelax ▶
Unusual Stomach Problem (Part 1) - Bizarre ER ▶
Bridesmaids (5/10) Movie CLIP - Food Poisoning (2011) HD ▶
Bridesmaids (5/10) Movie CLIP - Food Poisoning (2011) HD ▶
 Diaper  day ▶
Real Life Stories of People Shitting Their Pants 3 ▶
I have a confession to make….😩 Ya girl was TERRIFIED of pooping the bed during birth! 😂😭 But let me tell you, pooping during birth IS 👏🏽 SO 👏🏽COMMON! 👏🏽 I literally KEPT asking my OBGYN if I had pooped and at one point I’m pretty sure I actually did 😭💀 This is just a friendly reminder from your local Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist that if you are pregnant and scared to poop during delivery - rest assured - there are literally millions of women who have the same fear! But! The awesome ▶
I have a confession to make….😩 Ya girl was TERRIFIED of pooping the bed during birth! 😂😭 But let me tell you, pooping during birth IS 👏🏽 SO 👏🏽COMMON! 👏🏽 I literally KEPT asking my OBGYN if I had pooped and at one point I’m pretty sure I actually did 😭💀 This is just a friendly reminder from your local Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist that if you are pregnant and scared to poop during delivery - rest assured - there are literally millions of women who have the same fear! But! The awesome ▶
Baby pooping 💩 omg baby poops*babyspoops *1 ▶
Cartoon Characters pooping in diapers Compilation (stop watching this) ▶
Cartoon Characters pooping in diapers Compilation (stop watching this) ▶
Let’s talk about pooping at during labor! Its very normal to feel rectal pressure and the sensation that you have to have a bowel movement during delivery. Once you start pushing, it’s very common to have a bowel movement. This is nothing to be nervous or embarrassed about! This is actually a really good sign because it tells us that using the right muscles to push your baby out! **womenshealth**obgyn**healthcare**healthytips**pregnancy**thirdtrimester**newmom**labor**laboranddelivery**Baby**del ▶
Let’s talk about pooping at during labor! Its very normal to feel rectal pressure and the sensation that you have to have a bowel movement during delivery. Once you start pushing, it’s very common to have a bowel movement. This is nothing to be nervous or embarrassed about! This is actually a really good sign because it tells us that using the right muscles to push your baby out! **womenshealth**obgyn**healthcare**healthytips**pregnancy**thirdtrimester**newmom**labor**laboranddelivery**Baby**del ▶
Girl pooping fast!!!! ▶
The Fart Will Set You Free ▶
Dumb & Dumber (4/6) Movie CLIP - The Toilet Doesn't Flush (1994) HD ▶
Dumb & Dumber (4/6) Movie CLIP - The Toilet Doesn't Flush (1994) HD ▶
A Girl's Guide To Pooping In College ▶
Biggest fart ever ▶
The Pregnant Man ▶
Lady takes massive dump in school bathroom (revamped) ▶


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